- 07867616910
- info@sungoddesskin.co.uk
- Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 18:30
Smart Cell Plasma Filler is an advanced autologous treatment, utilising the patient’s own plasma for the stimulation and acceleration of tissue healing and regeneration. It is a versatile system that allows to formulate variable consistencies to adapt to the characteristics of each application with excellent cell bio-compatibility and safety profile.
This novel autologous filler is composed of the patient’s plasma, which is prepared from the patient’s own blood. It provides an immediate filler effect because of its gel-like consistency. Not only does the Plasma Filler improve volume loss, it safely boosts fibroblast expansion and is viewed as an effective treatment to avoid adverse reactions based on infusion-induced complications.
The Plasma Gel/ Bio filler is the same colour and consistency as natural fat, but becomes much softer when it is injected.
A crucial benefit of this treatment is that it also stimulates the stem cells and growth factors that produce collagen – the body’s natural protein for keeping skin taut, fresh and youthful. That means your skin will be naturally reproducing itself for months after the injections.
Smart Cell Plasma Filler gives cellular rejuvenation and can be used to:
A course of 2-3 treatments is recommended, results are immediately visible. Results can last up to 12-18 months, depending on the skin condition, lifestyle, area and quantity of Plasma Filler injected.
Prolong and improve results with regular i-PRF micro needling treatments.
Smart Cell Plasma filler used for aesthetic procedures is safe for most individuals from the age of 18 years.
Patients with the following conditions are not candidates, please inform me before treatment :
Some of the Potential Side Effects of Smart Cell Plasma filler include:
Results are immediately visible and continue to improve gradually over ensuing months (1-3) and only minimal improvement is predictable in persons with drug, alcohol, and tobacco usage.
Advance wrinkles cannot be reversed. Current data shows results may last 18-24 months. All individuals are different so there will be variations from one person to the next.
Recommend course of 3-4 treatments spaced out a month apart. Prolong and improve results with regular i-PRF micro needling treatments.
A few simple guidelines before your treatment can make a difference.
If you develop a fever, cold / flu, or develop a cold sore, blemish, or rash, etc. in the area to be treated
prior to your appointment, you must reschedule (I will not treat you).
It is recommended, if you have a special event or holiday coming up that you schedule your treatment at least 2 weeks in advance (we prefer 3-4).
If you are being treated in the lip area and have a history of Herpes (cold sores) with outbreaks more than
4 times a year some practitioners recommended that you are pre-treated with medication. I would recommend Valtrex 2GM the day before or the morning of the treatment and then another 2GM`s 12 hours after the first dose. **Please let me know that you need a prescription if you do not have this medication on hand. **
Discontinue use of anti-inflammatory drugs (steroidal and non-steroidal) such as: Aspirin, Motrin (or any
Ibuprofen drugs) at least 3 days to 1 week before your treatment if you can do that. If it is vital for your health, I cannot treat you.
If you are or have been on Systemic use of Corticosteroids (steroids) within 2 weeks of treatment, I cannot treat you. Consult your physician for approval to discontinue use of steroids and receive treatment.
Discontinue use of any other blood thinning agents such as: Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Gingko Biloba, Garlic, Flax Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s and DHA’s) etc. at least 3 days to 1 week before and after treatment to minimize bruising and bleeding.
It is recommended that you avoid: Alcohol, caffeine, Niacin supplement, spicy foods, and cigarettes 3 days before and after treatment. (All of these may increase risk of bruising).
Please carefully read and follow these Instructions after your smart cell plasma filler treatment.
There are minimal restrictions after your smart cell plasma filler injections allowing you to return to your daily activities almost immediately.
Do NOT touch, press, rub, or manipulate the treated area (s) for at least 8 hours after your treatment.
AVOID Aspirin, Motrin, Ibuprofen, Aleve (all non-Steroidal and steroidal anti-inflammatory agents), Gingko Biloba, Garlic, Flax Oil, Cod liver Oil, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, or any other essential fatty acids at least 3 days-1 week prior to and after your treatment. Remember, we are creating inflammation.
If you experience discomfort or pain, you may take paracetamol.
You may apply ice if you wish to the injected area for 20-30 minutes after the procedure, but I would prefer if you can refrain from this.
If you take a shower within 6 hours after your treatment, do not use any fragranced or soap products on the treatment site.
Do not use any lotions, creams, or make-up for at least 12 hours after your treatment.
AVOID: vigorous exercise, sun, and heat exposure for at least 2 days after your treatment.
AVOID: Alcohol, excessive caffeine, and cigarettes for 3 days before and after your treatment. Smokers do not heal well, and problems recur earlier, and results may take longer.
Maintain a healthy diet and drink plenty of water the day of the treatment. Continue water intake for 7 days.
It is normal to experience: Bruising, Redness, Itching, Soreness and Swelling that may last from 3-10 days following your procedure.
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